Software Engineering Laboratory
Software Engineering Laboratory >
> Research
> Tools
Tools for Research
- Samurai-clone
Split an identifier by the Samurai algorithm.
- LOCCounter
LOCCounter measures the lines of code (LOC) of a source file.
It also works for a directory.
- JavaMethodExtractor
JavaMethodExtractor makes the list of methods in Java source files.
Each line of the list consists of
the method name, the start line number of the method
and the last line number of it,
separated by tab characters.
- commit_counter_by_author
commit_counter_by_author executes the git log command and summarizes commit info by authors: author's name, email, commit counts and hash list.
A simple filter script: filtering out the copyright designation from a Java source file.
cvs_find_bug_fix extracts the CVS commit logs which seem to be bug fixings.
- DiffLineCounter
DiffLineCounter compares two directories with using Unix command diff,
outputs the summarized reports of the diff execution.
- FileExtensionExplorer
FileExtensionExplorer explores all files included in the specified
directory, and makes the list of file extensions of those files.
- CyclomaticNumberCounter
CyclomaticNumberCounter measures McCabe's cyclomatic complexity
for Java source files.
- NestLevelMeter
NestLevelMeter measures the average nesting level and
the maximum nestig level of Java source file.
- CommentCounter
CommentCounter measures the lines of comments in
Java/C/C++ soruce files.
It classifies the comments into seven types based on
their positions and formats.
The mesurement results are presented in Tab Separated Value format.
- CommentExtractor
CommentExtractor prints comment lines written for
a method (function) in Java/C/C++ soruce files.
It classifies the comments into seven types based on
their positions and formats.
- JavaVariableScopeExtractor
JavaVariableScopeExtractor parses a Java source file and
checks all variables appeared in the file,
and then print the variable names, types and their scope information
in tab-separated format.
- java_file_list_maker is a shell script to print pathes of all java source files which are in the current directory or its subdirectories,
except for test progrmas, sample programs and documents.
- git_file_history_maker is a Perl script to print the change history of specified file in Git.
(C) Copyright 2001 - 2017 Hirohisa AMAN