Paper Presentation (SEAA2022)

Prof. Aman made a presentation about our paper “Have Java Production Methods Co-Evolved With Test Methods Properly?: A Fine-Grained Repository-Based Co-Evolution Analysis” at SEAA2022 in Spain (on behalf of Mr. Kita, a former student)

Paper Acceptance

Our paper “Have Java Production Methods Co-Evolved With Test Methods Properly?: A Fine-Grained Repository-Based Co-Evolution Analysis” was accepted for presenting at the 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA2022).

Paper Acceptance (AeSIR2021)

Our paper “An Investigation of Compound Variable Names Toward Automated Detection of Confusing Variable Pairs” (Authors: Prof. Aman, Prof.Amasaki, Prof.Yokogawa, and Prof. Kawahara) was accepted for presentation at The 1st Workshop on Automated Support to Improve code Readability (AeSIR2021).

Paper acceptance (FOSE2021)

Our paper “Consistency Assessment of Method Name Using Source Code Deobfuscation Technique” (authors: Tomoya Minehisa, Hirohisa Aman and Minoru Kawahara) was accepted as a full paper for a presentation at JSSST 28th FOSE2021.