Bachelor Thesis Presentation
Our undergraduate students (Yuto Kaneko, Shinnosuke Irie, Yahiro Mori, and Yuki Fushihara) made their presentations on their bachelor theses.
Software Engineering Laboratory
Software Eng. Group | "Human"-ware Eng. Laboratory | Center for Information Technology, Ehime University
Our undergraduate students (Yuto Kaneko, Shinnosuke Irie, Yahiro Mori, and Yuki Fushihara) made their presentations on their bachelor theses.
Our graduate students (Ryouji Takahashi and Tomoya Minehisa) made their presentations on their master theses.
Our paper “A Comparative Study of Data Collection Periods for Just-In-Time Defect Prediction Using the Automatic Machine Learning Method” was published in the IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems.