One professor (Prof.Aman), seven graduate students (1 doctor + 7 master) and ten undergraduates belong to this laboratory. We have been studying topics of software engineering, especially, the empirical data-oriented software development management and quality management. We also have been developing research-related tools.
Paper Acceptance (IEICE Trans.)
Our paper “A Comparative Study of Data Collection Periods for Just-In-Time Defect Prediction Using the Automatic Machine Learning Method” was accepted for publication in the IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems.The paper will be published in next February.
Journal Paper Publication (JSSST Journal)
Our paper “Naming Bug Detection Using Transformer-Based Method Name Suggestion” (in Japanese) was published in Computer Software (JSSST Journal).
New Members
Six students (undergraduates, 3rd grade) has joined our laboratory.
Paper Presentation (SEAA2022)
Prof. Aman made a presentation about our paper “Have Java Production Methods Co-Evolved With Test Methods Properly?: A Fine-Grained Repository-Based Co-Evolution Analysis” at SEAA2022 in Spain (on behalf of Mr. Kita, a former student)
Paper Acceptance
Our paper “Have Java Production Methods Co-Evolved With Test Methods Properly?: A Fine-Grained Repository-Based Co-Evolution Analysis” was accepted for presenting at the 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA2022).
Journal Paper Acceptance (JSSST Journal)
Our paper “Naming Bug Detection Using Transformer-Based Method Name Suggestion” (in Japanese) was accepted for publishing in JSSST Journal.
Five students graduated and received their bachelor degrees of engineering.
Paper Presentation (AeSIR2021)
Prof. Aman made his presentation at The 1st Workshop on Automated Support to Improve code Readability (AeSIR2021).
IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter FOSE Young Researcher Award 2021
Mr. Tomoya Minehisa (Graduate school student) won the IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter FOSE Young Researcher Award 2021 !
Journal Paper Publication (JSSST Journal)
Our paper “An Automated Evaluation of Variable Name Using Program Slicing and Doc2Vec” (in Japanese) was published in Computer Software (JSSST Journal).