One professor (Prof.Aman), seven graduate students (1 doctor + 7 master) and ten undergraduates belong to this laboratory. We have been studying topics of software engineering, especially, the empirical data-oriented software development management and quality management. We also have been developing research-related tools.
New Members
New members joined our laboratory. New graduate Student: Mr. Takahashi. New undergraduates: Mr. Oshima, Mr. Kita, Mr. Takahashi, Mr. Ohara, and Mr. Kawai.
Paper acceptance (JSSST Journal)
Our paper entitled “An Automated Evaluation of Variable Name Using Program Slicing and Doc2Vec” (in Japanese) was accepted for publication in JSSST Journal.
Bachelor Thesis Presentation
Our undergraduates (Mr. Shiota, Mr. Sogabe, Mr. Takaichi, Mr. Takahashi, and Mr. Minehisa) made their presentations on their bachelor theses.
Master Thesis Presentation
Our master course students (Mr.Asato, Mr.Miyamoto, and Mr.Yamanaka) made their presentations on their master theses.
Mr. Asato (master course student) made his presentation at The 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2020) ERA track.Paper title: “A Mahalanobis Distance-Based Integration of Suspicious Scores For Bug Localization” (authors: Mr.Asato, Prof.Aman, Prof.Kawahara, Prof.Amasaki and Prof.Yokogawa)
Mr. Yamanaka (master course student) won the best presentaion award (short paper session) at JSSST FOSE2020.
Journal paper publication (JSSST journal)
Our paper “A Method For Combining Personalized Bug Prediction Models Toward More Accurate Bug Prediction and Its Evaluation” (in Japanese) was published in Computer Software (JSSST Journal).
Paper acceptance (APSEC2020)
Out paper “A Mahalanobis Distance-Based Integration of Suspicious Scores For Bug Localization” (authors: Mr.Asato, Prof.Aman, Prof.Kawahara, Prof.Amasaki and Prof.Yokogawa) was accepted for a presentation at The 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2020) ERA track.
Paper acceptance (FOSE2020)
Our paper (authors: Mr.Yamanaka, Prof.Aman and Prof.Kawahara) was accepted for a presentation at The 27th Workshop of JSSST FOSE (FOSE2020).