Published Papers


  • Conference Paper(referred)
    1. Yuki Fushihara, Hirohisa Aman, Sousuke Amasaki, Tomoyuki Yokogawa, and Minoru Kawahara,
      Fault-Proneness of Python Programs Tested By Smelled Test Code,”
      Proc. 50th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, pp.373–378, Aug.2024.
      [accepted version] [data]
    2. Sousuke Amasaki, Pattara Leelaprute, Hirohisa Aman, and Tomoyuki Yokogawa,
      Exploring Benefits of Bellwether Projects in Cross-Project IR-based Fault Localization,”
      Proc. 50th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, pp.214–221, Aug.2024.
    3. Hirohisa Aman, Sousuke Amasaki, Tomoyuki Yokogawa, and Minoru Kawahara,
      A Quantitative Investigation of Trends in Confusing Variable Pairs Through Commits: Do Confusing Variable Pairs Survive?,”
      Proc. 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE2024), pp. 90–99, June 2024.
    4. Kaoru Yokogawa, Masashi Hiroishi, Sousuke Amasaki, Hirohisa Aman, and Tomoyuki Yokogawa,
      “A Comparative Study on COSMIC FP approximation with Deep Learning and Conventional Machine Learning,”
      Proc. 22nd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2024), pp.346–351, May 2024.
    5. Pattara Leelaprute, Yuki Kase, Sousuke Amasaki, Hirohisa Aman, and Tomoyuki Yokogawa,
      “A Multi-Aspect Evaluation of DL-based SQLi Attack Detection Models,”
      Proc. 22nd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2024), pp.352–355, May 2024.
    6. Yahiro Mori, Hirohisa Aman, Sousuke Amasaki, Tomoyuki Yokogawa, and Minoru Kawahara,
      “An Application of Program Slicing and CodeBERT to Distill Variables With Inappropriate Names,”
      Proc. 22nd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2024), pp.356–361, May 2024.
    7. Shozo Saeki, Minoru Kawahara and Hirohisa Aman,
      Multi-attribute and Multi-label Deep Metric Learning via Pair-based and Proxy-based Losses,”
      Proc. 7th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT2024), pp.57–63, Mar. 2024.





  • Journal Paper (refereed)
1Akira Matsumoto, Tomoyuki Yokogawa, Sousuke Amasaki, Hirohisa Aman, and Kazutami Arimoto,
Synthesis and Consistency Verification of UML Sequence Diagrams with Hierarchical Structure,”
Information Engineering Express, vol.6, no.2, pp.1–19, Dec. 2020.
2Atsuya Miyamoto, Hirohisa Aman and Minoru Kawahara,
A Method For Combining Personalized Bug Prediction Models Toward More Accurate Bug Prediction and Its Evaluation,” (in Japanese)
Computer Software (JSSST Journal), vol.37, no.4, pp.38–49, Nov. 2020.
3Hirohisa Aman, Sousuke Amasaki, Tomoyuki Yokogawa and Minoru Kawahara,
Empirical Study of Abnormality in Local Variables and Its Application to Fault‐Prone Java Method Analysis,”
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Vol.32, No.4, pp.e2220, Apr. 2020.

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